长期回收iqxel-m8|二手iqxel-m8|iqxel-m8蓝牙测试仪 回收联系人:谭先生 回收热线: 在线Q 微信:sj 回收公司:东莞市捷鑫仪器有限公司 回收热线:广东省东莞市塘厦镇新头村104号 The LitePoint? IQxel-M8? is the ideal solution for high-volume production environments enabling testing of numerous connectivity standards including: Wi-Fi, 802.11a/ac/ah/b/g/j/n/p Bluetooth, Classic (1.x, 2.x, 3.0), Low Energy (BLE) (4.0, 4.1, 4.2) Supports 2x2 true MIMO with single tester Supports up to 8x8 true MIMO by stacking multiple testers ZigBee Wi-SUN DECT TD-LTE Over 500% Test Throughput Increase with Testing of up to 4 Devices in Parallel The IQxel-M8 can perform parallel tests on up to eight devices simultaneously through its fully-integrated RF ports. With the IQxel-M8’s embedded intelligent scheduling capability you can realize throughput increases greater than 500% relative to single-device systems.The IQxel-M8 supports 2x2 true MIMO testing in a single tester through its dual VSA/VSG design and is also scalable to support up to 8x8 true MIMO testing by stacking up multiple testers. Asynchronous & Synchronous Test Methods Provide Both Flexibility & Cost Savings Asynchronous mode enables device testing that can start and stop independently of other devices in the same test station. This enables you to re-use existing equipment, preserve your factory setup, and consolidate multiple test stations into one. Synchronous testing coordinates receive and transmit tests across multiple devices, and provides the greatest throughput advantages. This deployment typically requires some changes in production line setup.